Join WDDTY Editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard for in-depth interviews with practitioners and pioneers across a range of alternative and natural health topics. This podcast will not only form part of your daily health regime, but will also provide you information about natural ways to control your health, helping you to get well and stay well.

Friday Dec 07, 2018
#20 WDDTY: Let There Be Light
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
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Is light therapy a revolution in healing? WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard look at the evidence, and much of it is in the December issue of the magazine. They also explore how a zinc deficiency could be a factor in the autism epidemic, and the link between soy and menstrual pain. The use of insecticides is causing learning difficulties in children, they report, and they round off with the news that coconut oil is a more effective insect repellent than DEET.
Read more on about the topics discussed in this issue:

Friday Nov 23, 2018
#19 WDDTY: No drugs—just a vegan diet controls diabetes
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In a wide-ranging podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard explore the connection between gum disease and Alzheimer’s, and discuss how a vegan diet can reverse type 2 diabetes.
They also examine the latest research that shows how, far from causing heart disease, fatty foods help protect against it, and how cell (mobile) phone networks can be cancer-causing. To round off, they discuss how zinc and dark chocolate combine to be powerful anti-ageing agents.

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
#18 WDDTY: From Fasting to Fast Food
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In a food-themed podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard look at the extraordinary impact food and nutrition has on preventing chronic diseases and even reversing them.
In the first item, they explain how organic food has a protective effect against most cancers, and they follow up with a study that has shown how intermittent fasting reverses type 2 diabetes within 10 months.
From fasting to fast food, they talk about a research study – based on two islands off the coast of Australia – that demonstrates that fast-food causes depression. The good news is that the omega-3s in fish reverse the problem.
Finally, they examine how a ketogenic diet – one high in fats and low in carbs – can prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.
For further reading on each topic discussed, visit the articles below:

Friday Oct 26, 2018
#17 WDDTY: The People Who Shouldn’t Take An Aspirin a Day
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard question the use of aspirin as a just-in-case remedy against heart disease – and they warn that any healthy person over the age of 70 should stop taking it as part of a daily health regime.
They also look at the epidemic of childhood obesity and discover that detergents and cleaning products we use in the home could be an unsuspected culprit. They also report on the recent spate of mysterious illnesses among diplomatic staff in Cuba and China and suggest it could be linked to radiofrequency and microwave electromagnetic radiation that we’re all exposed to from our cell (mobile) phones, wi-fi and microwave ovens.
In another item, they report that doctors are so busy filling out prescriptions that they aren’t even spotting cases of heart failure, and in the final item, they discover that around a third of medical researchers aren’t revealing their ties to the drug company whose drug they’re testing – even when they are shareholders in the company!

Friday Oct 12, 2018
#16 WDDTY: The Virtue of Booze-free Days
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss what are the safe limits to drinking alcohol, and the virtue of booze-free days. They explore recent headlines about low-carb diets shortening your life, and why a stormy relationship with your partner could be one of the biggest factors in ill health. They also explain why it is that there never can be such a thing as a safe drug, and why acts of compassion can help you live longer, even when you have cancer.

Friday Sep 14, 2018
#15 WDDTY: The Drugs Don't Work
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard talk about the cash-for-prescriptions schemes that reward doctors for prescribing more drugs for a range of chronic conditions. Schemes like this operate around the world – but they don’t work. People aren’t getting better and the hospitals are just as full, as a new research study has discovered.
They also discuss how cell (mobile) phones are affecting the memories and learning abilities of schoolchildren, and how curcumin, the wonder ingredient in turmeric, is helping to reverse glaucoma, a major eye disease among the elderly.
In other news, they discuss the psychological prompts that are encouraging doctors to prescribe more, how CVD (cannabidiol), the therapeutic part of cannabis, is super-charging chemotherapy and is making it a more effective cancer-fighter, and the world’s largest-ever study into spiritual healing, which proves it works.

Friday Aug 24, 2018
#14 WDDTY: why doctors should listen to What Doctors Don't Tell You
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard talk about why they started What Doctors Don’t Tell You and why it’s important that doctors read WDDTY. For the last 30 years, WDDTY has been used to encourage doctors to change their treatments. Lynne and Bryan receive testimonials from thousands of people whose lives have been helped by their information.
They also discuss the Lyme disease epidemic and how one study found that ticks are attracted to Type A blood group people. The subject of fish oils are next and why headline-grabbing studies are creating conflicting stories concerning the benefits of fish oils.
They also reveal the connection between bouts of mania and the consumption of processed meats. They wrap up proceedings by looking at a study which found CT scans quadruple the risk of brain tumours.

Friday Aug 10, 2018
#13 WDDTY: heart disease and what we have been saying for the last 10 years
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard highlight a report that confirms everything WDDTY has been saying for more than 10 years – a high-fat diet doesn’t cause heart disease. In fact, it reduces the risk of a stroke. They also reveal how a low-carb diet can reverse the first signs of diabetes within a month, and that it’s oranges – and not carrots – that are good for eye health. They also discuss how compounds found in green tea and red wine can rewrite our DNA and the genetic code that pre-disposes us to many chronic diseases. They wrap up proceedings with reports about the number of Americans who die because of medical error, and the importance of sunlight in preventing so many health problems.
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Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard report on a review into the dangers of formaldehyde—found in many common building materials—that has been successfully blocked by the American Chemistry Council. They also look at a traditional supplement used in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, to restore good gut health, how myopia is caused by a lack of sunlight, why it is that the routine heart health drugs we take—such as statins and blood pressure pills—are being prescribed at dosages way too powerful for us, and the hidden risk of 200 common prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Friday Jul 13, 2018
#11 WDDTY: the suppressed report that proves homeopathy works
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard talk about a suppressed report that concluded homeopathy works—and was replaced by a follow-up study that decided it didn’t. They also suggest the optimum amount of coffee you should be drinking every day, and look at the role our gut plays in our bone health and osteoporosis, while uncovering the surprising origins of rheumatoid arthritis. Finally, they report on a powerful—and dangerous—drug that’s routinely being prescribed for low back pain—when it’s supposed to be taken for epilepsy.

Saturday Jun 30, 2018
#10 WDDTY: The real cause of chronic pain
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard talk about the latest issue in the stores, including the real cause of chronic pain and ways to treat it. They also review the latest research into diet and heart disease, and how eggs can actually prevent the problem, the scandal of the wrong drugs for the elderly, the importance of fever as a cancer-preventer, and how a community and social activity can keep our brains healthy.

Friday Jun 15, 2018
#9 WDDTY: A calorie is a calorie
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Join WDDTY editors Bryan Hubbard and Lynne McTaggart for their latest round-up of health news. In this podcast, they discuss the health benefits of bicarbonate soda (baking soda).
They also discuss the huge differences between certain types of calories, and how it is the speed at which food gets turned in to sugars in the body that is important.
Next on the agenda is gut health. A new study reveals that the Inflammatory process begins in the gut.
Finally, continuing their discussion on gut health, they look at how fasting for 24 hours helps to kick-start the good gut bacteria.
Find further information and references in the articles below:

Friday Jun 01, 2018
#8 WDDTY: Routine vaccines only protect for 10 years
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Join WDDTY editors Bryan Hubbard and Lynne McTaggart for their latest round-up of health news. In this podcast, they discuss how childhood vaccines give protection for only 10 years.
They also discuss how stressing about minor problems for more than 24 hours affects your immune system, and makes you more susceptible to chronic diseases.
Next on the agenda are mass shootings. Around a third of mass shooters in US schools had been diagnosed with a mental disorder. What extent do psychiatric drugs play in escalating violence?
Finally, they discuss Coenzyme Q10, the miracle supplement seeing enormous changes in just 6 weeks.

Friday May 11, 2018
#7 WDDTY: If drugs could cure, drug companies would be out of business
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Join WDDTY editors Bryan Hubbard and Lynne McTaggart for their latest round-up of health news. In this podcast, they discuss why drugs can never cure people (and it’s all to do with profits and not healthcare), and the enormous cost when drugs cause side effects and adverse reactions. They also look at three good scientific papers that show how vitamins and nutritional medicine are reversing the most chronic health problems, from ME and chronic fatigue, heart health and general ageing. Finally, they explore the opioid painkiller addiction epidemic, and come up with some unexpected reasons as to how pain starts.

Friday Apr 27, 2018
#6 WDDTY: The supplement treating the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Join Lynne and Bryan in the latest episode of the WDDTY Podcast. Inside this week’s episode, they take a look at an exciting new development that identifies the underlying cause of Type 2 diabetes and the supplement that has been found to fix glucose metabolism. Researchers are beginning to look at the underlying causes of this disease rather than the manifestation of the disease itself. You’ll also hear how new research states not to use conventional toothpaste. Studies show that brands with natural substances that don’t contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) have proven to prevent plaque. Lynne and Bryan take a look at the latest disease that has been linked to the gut - Polycystic ovary syndrome. Women who suffer from PCOS have less diverse gut bacteria compared to those who don’t. There is also the latest drug alert which includes Floxin, Levaquin and Cipro, used to treat urinary tract infections. Finally, they discuss the benefits of the amazing natural anti-inflammatory spice, Turmeric.

Friday Apr 13, 2018
#5 WDDTY: Fake news, medicine has its fair share!
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
This week’s episode is filled to the brim with the latest news from the world of healthcare. Lynne and Bryan get their hands dirty by uncovering the murky world of medicine and the amount of fake news that gets distributed, largely controlled by drug regulators, agencies and pharmaceuticals.
If you are on the pill, perhaps you should consult your Doctor as WDDTY reveals the link between this problematic type of contraception and the high number of strokes in females across the US. Next, both Lynne and Bryan explore the positive effects of Interpersonal Synchronization which is proving to be a safer painkiller than opioids. With the likelihood of the PSA (Prostate test for men) becoming the routine test for Prostate cancer, Bryan highlights a recent study of 190,000 men which puts the accuracy of this test to question. Causes of cancer are often put down to processed foods, smoking and pollutants in our environment, but using household chemicals could be as harmful as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Finally, Researchers have found that surprisingly, Tai Chi can help dramatically with Fibromyalgia.

Friday Mar 30, 2018
#4 WDDTY: Heart disease, time for a rethink?
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Lynne and Bryan delve into the latest reports across the health industry including recent statistics on heart disease. Studies have found that half of the people tested suffered a heart attack without ever knowing. A second study found that those who went to the hospital with a heart attack at the time the leading cardiologist was away at a conference were most likely to survive. Do we need a rethink in how Cardiologists perform surgery?
[10.38] Revelations and false claims about formula milk is the next topic discussed. Doctors shouldn’t provide an easy get-out clause of breastfeeding.
[15.24] Mental illness is due to a biological cause. A small study with a group of people suffering from major depressive disorders found that they were all low on arginine.
[19.06] Lynne and Bryan discuss a study that has just come out of Australia which found a link between the DPT Vaccine (pertussis) and allergies. An increase in children reporting food allergies and skin allergies over the last 20 years since the introduction of new version of the vaccine.
[26.13] How do we live longer? Should we emulate people who are living well into their nineties? Lynne highlights altruism and how doing something for someone else can make you become outward looking.

Friday Mar 16, 2018
#3 WDDTY: The role of painkillers and antidepressants in mass shootings
Friday Mar 16, 2018
Friday Mar 16, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Join Lynne and Bryan in the packed episode of the WDDTY podcast as they uncover the truth behind painkillers and antidepressants and what role they play in recent mass shootings. Studies show that common painkillers, ibuprofen, aspirin and paracetamol are distorting our sense of reality and are making us less empathetic to the pain of others. You’ll also learn how diets such as the Paleo diet are being used to treat Alzheimer’s, turning received wisdom on its head. Bryan discusses the importance of classical homeopathy and the links between homeopathy and the reversal of vitiligo and cancer. Finally, Lynne and Bryan expose the scam behind the controversial drug Epilim that is used to treat Epilepsy. There are alternative and safer methods that have proven to work.

Friday Mar 02, 2018
#2 WDDTY: Do mammograms work?
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Join Lynne and Bryan on the latest episode as they discuss the use of mammograms and the “False positives” that are being detected. Is time to use an alternative method? Also in the episode, they question if the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 faulty gene cancers are more lethal than any other form of breast cancer. There is also a look at a new initiative in Copenhagen where a group of parents are crowdfunding for a team of scientists to research the dangers of the HPV vaccine. Plus! They uncover the relationship between gum disease and some cancers.

Friday Jan 19, 2018
#1 WDDTY: The truth behind vaccines
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Welcome to the very first WDDTY podcast! Join Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard as they discuss their inspiration behind the brand 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' and provide their thoughts on the latest health news. Plus, they expose the truth behind vaccines.