Join WDDTY Editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard for in-depth interviews with practitioners and pioneers across a range of alternative and natural health topics. This podcast will not only form part of your daily health regime, but will also provide you information about natural ways to control your health, helping you to get well and stay well.

Friday Oct 11, 2019
#40 WDDTY: Take This Straight After a Heart Attack
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Chapter 1 [0.09 - 8.05] In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard explain why vitamin E is the best thing to take immediately after a heart attack. It's probably the best thing to take as no drug has the same protective effects, new research suggests. A heart attack isn't always sudden. Sometimes it can be gradual, happening over several hours—but it can be just as lethal.
Read more about these two topics:
Chapter 2 [8.09 - 14.01] A 'brain supplement' could help schizophrenics. In an evidence-based study, Sarcosine has been described as a "logical treatment" because it helps restore brain functioning often damaged in schizophrenia.
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/10/brain-supplement-helps-to-treat-schizophrenia.html
Chapter 3 [14:05 - 19.36] How long should we breastfeed? If our ancestors are anything to go by, it should be for far longer than we're currently doing.
Early ancestors breastfed their infants for longer periods than their contemporary relatives.
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/10/should-we-be-breastfeeding-longer.html
Chapter 4 [19.39 - 26.01] Parkinson's disease is usually thought of as a disease of the brain—but new research suggests that it starts in the gut, as so many other chronic problems seem to do.
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/10/parkinsons-starts-in-the-gut-not-the-brain.html
Chapter 5 [26.05 - 31.05] Around 20 per cent of recently retired people are taking an average of five pharmaceuticals a day—and by the time they reach the age of 85, this will have risen to eight drugs. A new study has found that on average, by the time someone has reached the age of 65 they are taking between 5 and 8 drugs.
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Friday Sep 27, 2019
#39 WDDTY: Homeopathy Works Supressed Study Reveals
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
SSRI antidepressants like Prozac don’t work—and they never have. In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss one of the first independent trials that conclude a new way to treat depression has to be found.
But homeopathy does work, it seems. A suppressed study has finally seen the light of day, and the researchers concluded there’s strong evidence it can treat fibromyalgia and the ear problem, otitis media. Lynne and Bryan discuss how homeopathy might work—even when conventional physics says it’s impossible.
Back in the early 1990s WDDTY was reporting about the dangers of HRT for menopausal women. A new report reminds everyone it’s still dangerous, responsible for one in 20 cases of breast cancer. Lynne and Bryan discuss how all the early studies were forgotten, and what women can do instead.
Fats become more important as we get older, and a high-fat diet—especially eggs and meat—can help ward off dementia.
Finally, they reveal that Lloyds of London, the world’s largest insurer, is refusing to cover claims against the new 5G cell phone network, likening it to the asbestos scandal.

Friday Sep 13, 2019
#38 WDDTY: Silent Strokes For Surgery Folks
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
Have you had elective surgery? WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard look at a new report which discovered around 7 per cent of older people will suffer a 'silent stroke' after surgery. This doubles their risk of cognitive decline—possibly leading to dementia or Alzheimer's—within a year.
They also explore how blood pressure meds cause dangerous intestinal problems such as diverticulosis, a bowel problem that affects many elderly people.
Lynne and Bryan reveal that new therapies for common cancers not being independently researched. Next, they discuss how Feverfew contains a compound that kills leukaemia, and they round off with the news that Lyme disease starts with a mouse, not the tick
PART 1 - 00.00 - 04.35 - More than 3 million suffer a 'silent stroke' after surgery
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/09/more-than-3-million-suffer-a-silent-stroke-after-surgery.html
PART 2 - 04.37 - 10.19 - Blood pressure meds cause dangerous intestinal problems
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/09/blood-pressure-meds-cause-dangerous-intestinal-problems.html
PART 3 - 10.23 - 15.55 - New therapies for common cancers not being independently researched
PART 4 - 15.58 - 20.48 - Feverfew compound killing leukaemia
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/08/feverfew-compound-killing-leukaemia.html
PART 5 - 20.51 - 25.49 - Lyme disease starts with a mouse, not the tick
Read more: https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/09/lyme-disease-starts-with-a-mouse-not-the-tick.html

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
#37 WDDTY: The Kids Aren't Alright
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard explore the health risks of fluoride, especially with children. In the US, 60 per cent of homes are supplied with fluorinated water and yet a recent study found it can damage their kidneys and liver, disrupt thyroid function and, paradoxically, cause tooth decay that it's supposed to protect against.
The study also found children are especially at risk because they cannot process fluoride as effectively as an adult, and they excrete just 45 per cent of the mineral.
Continuing with the controversy surrounding fluoride, Lynne and Bryan highlight a separate study that found women who drink fluoridated water while they're pregnant could be lowering the IQ of their baby—especially if it's a boy.
Other topics covered in this episode include
- Doctors prescribe opioids even to small children
- Ritalin changes children's brain structure
- Music found as a good alternative to peripheral nerve blocks (anesthesia)
- Bad sleep more to do with wine than coffee
You can read more on each topic covered in this episode below:
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Friday Aug 16, 2019
#36 WDDTY: Are Medical Scans Safe?
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
There’s no such thing as a completely safe medical scan, say WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard in their latest podcast. Even ‘safe’ ultrasounds have risks, as a cache of uncovered Chinese studies have discovered, and CT scans make healthy cells ‘cancer ready’.
Vitamin D plays a key role in diabetes. Not only does it help prevent the condition, high doses can even reverse it and help restore the body’s ability to process blood sugar properly, as they discuss.
In a fascinating discussion, Lynne and Bryan tease out the links between arthritis and heart disease, talk about the dangers of medicine and the numbers it harms, and finally look at the science behind that deserved glass of red wine after a stressful day.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
#35 WDDTY: The Gut Episode
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss all things gut related. The first of 4 gut-themed topics is osteoarthritis. Many cases of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are caused by a rogue bacteria called Klebsiella which can cause all kinds of arthritis as well as ankylosing spondylitis.
Bryan and Lynne also discuss:
- A healthy gut blocks MS and Parkinson's
- The one type of bacteria in the gut preventing weight loss
- How aspirin causes thousands of deaths from gastrointestinal bleeding
- A breakthrough treatment has been discovered that could tackle rheumatoid arthritis
- How lifestyle can trump genetics
- Why more countries are phasing out dental amalgam fillings
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Friday Jul 19, 2019
#34 WDDTY: Common Cold is Beating Cancer
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss an amazing breakthrough in cancer therapy they predict could see the end of chemotherapy. In a new research project, scientists have successfully reversed 15 'incurable' cases of bladder cancer - by injecting the common cold virus directly into the bladder.

Friday Jul 05, 2019
#33 WDDTY: Safe as Milk?
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss the cancer-causing pathogen discovered in cow's milk. A potentially dangerous pathogen has been discovered in cow's milk—and mothers have been warned not to use the milk for supplementary feeding, especially if their infant is less than a year old.
Bryan and Lynne also discuss:
How CBD can be used as a powerful antibiotic
How a heart attack is a disease of sugar processing.
How antidepressants deaden empathy for others in pain.
A breakthrough treatment has been discovered that could tackle rheumatoid arthritis
Forest bathing—it really can make you feel better
Drug-free alternatives are being censored both online and offline
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Friday Jun 21, 2019
#32 WDDTY: Beware of Chemical Sunscreens
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard look at a recent study that found toxic sunscreen chemicals enter the bloodstream at extremely unsafe levels. In fact, the average amount far exceeded the FDA recommended safety levels. It raises the question; shouldn’t these tests be conducted before these products are released on to the market?
Bryan and Lynne also discuss:
- Does grounding—where you put your bare feet on the grass or earth—really help ease the pain?
- New research finds whooping cough vaccine (DTaP) has a limited life span
- No further health benefits found if you walk more than 7,700 steps a day
- Pesticides causing high blood pressure problems in children
- Why tuna isn't the fish you should be eating
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Friday Jun 07, 2019
#31 WDDTY: The Link Between Gut Bacteria And Autism
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard explore the health benefits of breast milk. Although we have been breastfeeding for hundreds of thousands of years, researchers are only now beginning to understand just what it does—such as giving life-long immunity against infections.
Bryan and Lynne also discuss:
- How the health of the gut could be behind the autism epidemic
- Safer alternatives to indigestion pills, which are killing 4 per cent of patients, new research suggests.
- Why vitamin D—from sunshine and supplements—is so important for our health
- The latest damages awards for long-term users of Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer
- The secret to a long life
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Friday May 24, 2019
#30 WDDTY: Big Fat Lie
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss the health benefits of a full-fat diet. Once seen as a cause of heart disease, it’s now been found to protect against heart disease and diabetes.
The roll-out of the 5G mobile network is already attracting controversy, and Lynne and Bryan review the latest research that demonstrates male fertility is being affected by the electromagnetic waves from wi-fi and cellphones.
Our bodies can renew themselves, and in this next item Lynne and Bryan talk about the anti-ageing effects of running before looking at the health benefits of eating walnuts every day. To finish off, they discuss the safe limits of coffee drinking.
Read more about the topics discussed in this episode, here:
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Friday May 10, 2019
#29 WDDTY: Dirty Rotten Scandals
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard uncover 60 health professionals, including 31 doctors, who have been accused of behaving like drug dealers after they were charged with illegally prescribing more than 32 million opioids. Some traded prescriptions for sexual favors and a dentist pulled healthy teeth to justify prescribing the painkillers.
Scientists are only now beginning to understand how traditional medicines work, and in their latest research have established that elderberry is a potent anti-viral that can combat seasonal flu.
Talking of scientists, they discuss how a group have identified four naturally-occurring compounds that can both treat and prevent stomach cancer.
Next, they discuss how anti-vax messages are being censored on social media, but according to a leading public health consultant they are influencing only "a tiny minority of parents".
Finally, Lynne and Bryan reveal how adding some raspberries to your breakfast could help to prevent—or even reverse—type 2 diabetes.
Read more about the topics discussed in this episode here:
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Friday Apr 26, 2019
#28 WDDTY: The Cholesterol Wars
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard talk about the ineffectiveness of statin drugs as part of a wider debate about the cholesterol theory and the factions fighting to keep it alive against growing evidence that it has nothing to do with heart disease.
Talking of ineffective drugs, the seasonal flu jab works only 40 per cent of the time—and this protective level falls further if you eat fast, processed foods.
They discuss yet more evidence that bad gums can cause Alzheimer’s and rheumatoid arthritis, before looking at the hazards of e-cigarettes or vaping.
Since 1850, doctors have been told to wash their hands after seeing a patient—and they’re still not doing it, and so are passing on deadly infections to others, with the result that around 100,000 patients in the US alone are dying each year.
Finally, Lynne and Bryan talking about the amazing powers of foods such as tomatoes that can help protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
Read more on the topics covered in this episode

Friday Apr 12, 2019
#27 WDDTY: Congress Has Been Bought by Big Pharma
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard report on how Brussels became the first European city to block the roll-out of the new 5G cell phone network, and how parents are trying to get a cell mast removed from their children’s school after a high number of cancers among the pupils and teachers.
And while everyone is trying to eradicate the measles virus, they explore new research that is using the virus to beat cancer.
If you suffer from an allergy to gluten or lactose, check the prescription drug you’re taking—the vast majority contain at least one allergen, as Lynne and Bryan explain.
And finally, they discuss how medicine can ever change when politicians have been ‘bought’ by Big Pharma.
Read more about the topics discussed in this episode:

Friday Mar 29, 2019
#26 WDDTY: HRT Raises Risk of Alzheimer's
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss measles ‘epidemic' that has sparked the clamp-down on anti-vaxxers where more than 30 per cent of cases are nothing more than reactions to the vaccine.
Mushrooms featured heavily in the WDDTY March issue which revealed they can keep you mentally sharp as you get older. Now, researchers say they can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 64 per cent.
Previous episodes reported on a clampdown on CBD oils which were to be removed from shelves, but now this is being reconsidered. Lynne and Bryan shed light on the reason why this is being reversed.
They then focus on chemicals around the home and how they are making men less fertile. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the next subject as they report on the link to Alzheimer's disease.
Lastly, they discuss how Lyme disease often gets under-reported and poorly treated by conventional medicine.
Read more about the topics covered in this issue:

Friday Mar 15, 2019
#25 WDDTY: Big Pharma Revenues Set to Soar After Censorsing Anti-Vaxxers
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss the conflicting advice about drinking alcohol and why it happens, and how it is that ‘bad’ cholesterol actually becomes ‘good’ as we get older.
Vaccinations are always in the news, and Lynne and Bryan take a different slant, looking at the revenue surge the manufacturers are set to achieve. Then they turn to the fascinating subject of placebos before exploring a new theory as to what triggers MS (multiple sclerosis), before wrapping up with the news that adverse reactions to drugs aren’t being captured by medical researchers.
Read more about the topics discussed in this episode here:

Friday Mar 01, 2019
#24 WDDTY: 5G Health Hazards Revealed
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard review concerns about the potential health hazards with the new superfast 5G cell phone network, due to be rolled out next year.
They also discuss the advice to take an aspirin a day as heart disease and stroke preventative—but, unless you have an existing heart problem. But a new study suggests the risks outweigh the benefits.
In other topics, they explore how high blood pressure (hypertension) could be a reaction to a zinc deficiency, and the regulatory backlash against CBD oils which are being pulled from shelves across the UK and the EU.
Read more about the topics discussed in this episode:

Monday Feb 11, 2019
#23 WDDTY: The Real Culprit That Causes Heart Disease
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss how it’s the processed foods are the real culprit that causes heart disease. Eating a healthy diet would halve the number of heart disease deaths every year.
Eggs are another bad boy of the cholesterol theory – but they can protect against heart disease’s precursor, type 2 diabetes.
There’s a natural solution to every chronic condition, and Lynne and Bryan discuss how exercise can reduce levels of high blood pressure, even when it’s considered dangerous.
To wrap up, they explore the vital nutrient that should be taken when you’re topping up with vitamin D, and discuss the future plans of the outspoken researcher Peter Gotzsche, who’s been kicked out of the ‘independent’ research group he helped found 30 years ago.
Read more about the topics covered in this podcast:

Friday Jan 18, 2019
#22 WDDTY: MMR Linked to Autism Once Again
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their first podcast of 2019, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss the publishing of the ‘missing’ CDC data that had discovered a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. They also explore the nutritional deficiencies behind so-called mental illnesses such as depression and bipolar, and, in this podcast, they look at schizophrenia.
They also talk about the foods that can combat memory loss as we get older, and the eight essential oils that have been proven to reverse Lyme disease.
To round off, they discuss how the excruciating pain of fibromyalgia can be countered by a leaf extract found in the Amazon.
You can read more about the topics discussed in this episode here:

Friday Dec 21, 2018
#21 WDDTY: A Special Christmas Appeal
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their final podcast before Christmas, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss the US pediatric hospital that is barring children who haven’t had all their vaccinations and provide an update on GcMAF following the imprisonment of one of its manufacturers. They also explore how carbs cause the yo-yo diet, where people put the weight back on. In a special Christmas appeal, they urge us to visit anyone who may be living alone—because, as they discuss, isolation is a bigger killer than heart disease and cancer combined.
Read more on each topic here: