Join WDDTY Editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard for in-depth interviews with practitioners and pioneers across a range of alternative and natural health topics. This podcast will not only form part of your daily health regime, but will also provide you information about natural ways to control your health, helping you to get well and stay well.

4 days ago
4 days ago

Friday Feb 21, 2025
WDDTY Health Bites: Red meat and dementia
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
If processed red meat—such as bacon and sausages—is a staple of your diet, you’re more likely to suffer from cognitive decline and dementia when you’re older.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Episode 57: Treating Long Covid
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Episode 56: Everything you need to know about cancer
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Our regular columnist Dr Leigh Erin Connealy joins us for a discussion about cancer—its origins, the best anti-cancer diet, other ways to prevent it, and strategies to support any treatment you’re having.
Since Erin joined the WDDTY team, we’ve been constantly amazed at her breadth of knowledge about the disease that afflicts so many of us.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Episode 55: Time-Light Therapy: Overcoming Past Trauma
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Bryan Hubbard suffered years of chronic depression before he came to his radical understanding of what was happening to him, revelations that formed the bedrock of his revolutionary Time-Light therapy. Essentially, he realised that there was no difference between ‘him’ and the depression—and that ‘he’ was the depression. Bryan tested and modified his revelations in workshops before he wrote two books about the therapy, Time-Light and The Untrue Story of You. The radical therapy is now being trialled in a German psychiatric clinic, and its discoveries have already helped many thousands of people overcome the influences and traumas of their past.
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the late attorney general and presidential candidate, is arguably one of the US’s greatest environmental advocates. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, has been a fierce advocate for children’s health and environmental causes for many decades, arguing that major pollutants in the environment and heavy metals like mercury account for much of the enormous increase in illnesses of all variety in both children and adults. Here editor Lynne McTaggart interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr.
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Episode 53: The Neon Roberts Case
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
The Neon Roberts case highlights the shortcomings of conventional cancer treatments and the bias against fair testing of the alternatives. Here editors Bryan Hubbard and Lynne McTaggart interview Neon's mother Sally Roberts.
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.

Friday May 10, 2024
Episode 52: The 12 Hormonal Archetypes, with Dr. Shawn Tassone
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
“Why do I feel so awful and yet the doctor told me my hormones are normal”. Normal isn’t always normal. Women know when something is ”off” they know when their body is out of balance. In this interview, Dr. Shawn Tassone explains the 12 Hormonal Archetypes that have come from his time with over 40,000 women and how women can do simple things to balance their hormone type.
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Episode 51: The Healthy Gut Series: The screaming gut, with Dr. Damien Downing
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
As part of our Healthy Gut series, we brought together some of the world’s leading health pioneers who have helped thousands of people fully recover from their gut problem—and who will guide you to better health. In this episode, we talk to Dr. Damien Downing, a pioneer of Ecological Medicine. He will discuss the leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease and how to diagnose and get rid of them forever.
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Head to www.wddty.com to explore.
If you heard the shoutout from Bryan about his Time-Light webinar, and want to join, just visit www.time-light.co.uk to register!

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Episode 50: The Healthy Gut Series: Your second heart, with Dr. Vincent Pedre
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
As part of our Healthy Gut series, we brought together some of the world’s leading health pioneers who have helped thousands of people fully recover from their gut problem—and who will guide you to better health.
In this episode, we talk to Dr. Vincent Pedre, who has put together a powerful protocol for repairing the gut after he had suffered from IBS. He will discuss the emotional links with gut issues and how to heal them while healing your gut. You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine.
Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
As part of our Healthy Gut series, we brought together some of the world’s leading health pioneers who have helped thousands of people fully recover from their gut problem—and who will guide you to better health.
We kick off the series with Dr. Jeffrey Bland, the father of functional medicine and one of the most important holistic practitioners on the planet today. Dr. Bland will take us through the 4 R's and your complete gut blueprint for health, including leaky gut and dysbiosis, how to detox, replacing bad bacteria with good bacteria and repairing the gut wall.
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore. https://www.wddty.com/subscribe/

Friday Feb 14, 2020
The Get Well Show Episode: Speakers Interviews
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about holistic ways to control their health. View Subscription Offers
In this special episode, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard interview some of the leading names in alternative health who spoke at the Get Well Show Feb 21-23 2020 at Olympia London.

Friday Jan 24, 2020
#47 WDDTY: Ageing Well
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
What's the extent of human longevity; how long could people expect to live? WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard look at latest research which suggests between 400 and 500 years, and scientists have identified cellular pathways that could make that a reality.
Lynne and Bryan also look at why the food we eat has a bigger impact on our health and longevity than any other single factor, as a new study underlines. People who regularly eat processed food suffer more chronic disease and live shorter lives than those who follow a healthier diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
#46 WDDTY: Muscling in on Hip Pain
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their first podcast of 2020, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard talk about the subject on everyone’s mind in the New Year—losing weight. They review the best diets that can work and bust the myth of calorie-counting.
Hip replacement surgery is one of the safest surgical procedures—and hospitals in America are starting to let the patient home the same day. Lynne and Bryan review a new study that has discovered the practice isn’t safe and puts the patient at a far greater risk of cardiac and pulmonary complications.
Our children spend too much time indoors, and even when they do get out into the summer sun, they’re warned to cover up and put on plenty of sun cream. As a result, too many children are seriously deficient in vitamin D. Lynne and Bryan discuss why the vitamin is so important and outline the best ‘safe sun’ policy that also ensures we get this essential vitamin.
Finally, they discuss yet another study that reviews the health hazards of drinking. So what is safe drinking—and what is too much? Hear what Lynne and Bryan have to say.

Friday Dec 20, 2019
#45 WDDTY: Intermittent Fasting the Best Way to Lose Weight
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard discuss the dangers of permanent hair dye and how they increase the risk for breast cancer. What’s the best way to lose weight? One way is to eat in a set window of time and fast the rest of the time, and they review a new study that encouraged pre-diabetics to eat in a 10-hour window and fast the rest of the time. And just how safe is the new 5G cell network? Nobody knows, which is why a group of scientists is advocating caution, especially when it comes to spacing masts well away from schools and densely populated areas. And how safe are teabags, and in particular the pyramid ones? Not very, according to a new study that discovered they are releasing millions of tiny plastic particles into the drink, and which Lynne and Bryan discuss. Finally, we all know chicken soup is good for the soul, but it seems to be an effective anti-malarial as well.

Friday Dec 06, 2019
#44 WDDTY: Google and Facebook Capture Your Medical Data
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
We all knew Facebook did it—but did you realise that the world’s biggest health sites are also passing on your most sensitive health information to Google for targeted advertising? In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Bryan Hubbard and Lynne McTaggart discuss how this is happening, and what you can do about it.
The new 5G mobile network is starting to roll-out—but nobody is checking to see if it’s a risk to our health. A leading scientist is adding his voice to the 200 scientists around the world who are calling on governments to find out before it’s too late.
It’s not always old age…more than 20 commonly-prescribed drugs dramatically increased the risk of a fall and fracture—and they’re usually the ones prescribed to older patients. Taking two or more of these drugs quadruples the risk of a fall or fracture, as Bryan and Lynne discuss.
And, yes, it is safe to take omega-3 supplements to protect your heart, because, no, they don’t cause prostate cancer, despite the conclusions of a 2013 paper.
And before you take the latest flu shot, consider the keto diet instead. The high-protein, low-carb diet can protect you against the flu by kickstarting your immune system into action. Lynne and Bryan explain just how it works and why it’s better than the vaccine.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
#43 WDDTY: Common Cold Remedies
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, What Doctors Don’t Tell You editors Bryan Hubbard and Lynne McTaggart list some of the cold remedies they’ve been taking before discussing the latest warning from America’s drug regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), that homeopathic remedies can cause ‘significant and permanent harm’.
Changing the clocks twice a year isn’t harmless – it can increase the risk of heart disease and accidents, and Lynne and Bryan discuss why this could be having such a harmful effect.
And eating most of our food after 6pm can also be bad for the heart, so eating little and lightly after that time could be the best approach, as Lynne and Bryan suggest.
From there, they discuss yet another example of how environment and lifestyle can trump genetics. In this case, they look at new research that demonstrates that exercising for just 35 minutes a day reduces the risk of a depressive episode, even for those who have a genetic disposition.
Wrapping things up, and staying on the subject of exercise, they question the dictum that we should be doing strenuous exercise for at least 75 minutes a week. New research they discuss shows that jogging for 50 minutes every eight or nine days offers all the health benefits.

Friday Nov 08, 2019
#42 WDDTY: The Warburg effect
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In the latest What Doctors Don’t Tell You (WDDTY) podcast, editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard review the routine procedure of steroid injections in arthritic joints. The shots are supposed to reduce pain and improve mobility, but new research suggests they also speed up bone deterioration.
The Warburg effect was a discovery by biophysicist Otto Warburg that cancer cells act differently and consume sugar – instead of oxygen – to survive and develop. This astonishing should have transformed oncology, but didn’t, with sceptics claiming it was unproven. Now the final piece in the Warburg jigsaw has been discovered – and Bryan and Lynne discuss how this could transform the way we see and treat cancer.
Nobody seems to know what depression really is – but it’s certainly not a serotonin chemical imbalance, even though the theory launched the SSRI antidepressant market. Instead, ‘talking cures’, such as CBT work just as well, as Bryan and Lynne uncover.
To wrap up proceedings, they review a new opioid scandal looming, the dangerous side effect of the only prescription drug for cystitis, and how the avocado is as effective as a statin drug.

Friday Oct 25, 2019
#41 WDDTY: Prescription Drugs Containing Carcinogens
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In their latest podcast, WDDTY editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard reveal how the prescription drug you're taking could contain high levels of a carcinogen or cancer-causing agent. America's drug regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has recalled more than 50 drugs so far because of their health risks. The drugs, known as generics because they are out of patent control, make up around 90 per cent of all drugs being prescribed—and the contaminated products could be shipped to more than 30 countries.
Other topics covered in this episode include:
- A cup of tea helps keep you sharp (and changes your brain)
- Choline supplements protect against Alzheimer's
- Polio outbreak in the Philippines caused by the vaccine
- Autism a disease of inflammation
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Friday Oct 18, 2019
Special episode: No Such Thing as Mental Illness
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
You've heard the podcast, now read the magazine. Join thousands of others who rely on our in-depth, independent and proven information about natural ways to control their health. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your first year's subscription with code POD20. Click here to explore.
In this special episode, Lynne interviews Dr Pam Shervanick, an American psychiatrist who argues that the key to solving mental illness lies with your body's other systems.
Pinpointing where mental issues originate requires looking upstream—far upstream. Several elements are common to many health problems, both physical and mental: inflammation, nutritional imbalances or deficits, environmental toxicity, problems with cellular communication, and lifestyles that do not promote health. Although Western medicine likes to compartmentalize aspects of health, especially distinctions between the mind and body, ultimately, everything is actually part of the same overall system.
A so-called domino effect occurs in the body no matter where the problem starts. For example, severe anxiety, agitation and other potential symptoms of mental health issues may be the result of a problem in the formation of hemoglobin (which occurs in the spleen). Without remembering that the person is one holistic structure, it's difficult to find the root of any illness.
Read more on this episode here: https://www.wddty.com/magazine/2019/april/mental-illness-may-not-all-be-in-the-mind.html